Saturday, December 29, 2012


This is the petition web site. This is where the signatures count!!!!!!!!

Innocent Men's Lives are being destroyed!! The burden of proof is being thrown out & the simple word of the accuser is being taken without question...PLEASE help us Stop this!! We need your support to pass "Scotty"s Law" Protect Scotty & his father against False Allegations....and you will also protect thousands of fathers & their children against this crime.
                 I am going to tell you a story of a "Very Lovely Lady" she has three young boys from three seperate fathers, all three fathers have had false allegations against them! All of her false allegations have been proven in court to be false, she has never been charged or fined for all of these false allegations, although these fathers & their families have had to pay thousands & thousands of dollars to fight all of the false allegations. The States Attorney is trying very hard to press charges against Check Fraud, Credit Card Fraud, Welfare Fraud, but this " Very Lovely Lady" seems to know how to beat the law & the court system. DCFS has proven her to be an unfit mother, but we still have to pay thousands of dollars in court to get custody of these three little boys and keep them safe. When will this all stop? Please help us...sign the Petition2Congress Stop False Allegations of Domestic Violence!
                I wish I could tell you that this is just a story, but this is reality for many of these fathers. I have a very personal reason to write this story, Scott is my son & little Scotty is my grandson and their lives have been destroyed by this "Lovely Lady". A little history for you...the first father has a little six year old boy with this woman. This father has been falsly accused of physical abuse against her and this little boy...all false! What mother makes a six year old little boy tell the police that his father tied him up & beat him, only to have the little boy have to go in an interagation room and be scared and questioned by police...he finaly broke down and said Mommy made me lie...again no charges pressed against her and she still has this little boy. That is mental abuse to this little boy! The second father has a four year old little boy. This father has also been falsly accused of physical abuse, when this father tried to leave this relationship this woman tried to tell the father he had to stay, because the little boy had cancer, all false...he is a healthy little boy... what kind of mother does that? This father is still fighting for custody and the safty of his little boy. As each of these relationshps ended, this "Lovely Lady" was on to her next victim, how fast could she get pregnant and secure another home and meal ticket. Scott was the next victim...and our nightmare began! It all started with a world wind romance and guess what "I am pregnant" Scott & this "Lovely Lady were married at the court house. Little did we know that we would spend more time at the court house fighting all of the false allegations than the marriage Lasted! Scott has also been falsly accused of physical abuse to her and to little Scotty all to be proven false in our court system, again no charges against this "Lovely Lady"!  Scott has tempory custody of little Scotty, but we need your help and support as we go back to court, we pray our Judicial System will do what is right for this loving father and his young son. Please take the time and sign the Petition2Congress  Stop False Allegations of Domestic Violence!

This is the petition web site.  This is where the signatures count!!!!!!!!